Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rain follows heat

At five in the afternoon, it was 27°C, so I took Major for a walk to the river. Ants scurried around, rain birds were singing and dark clouds were building up on the western horizon. Apparently rain has been falling out west in the Channel Country so rain is predicted for Mitchell too.

Looking up the Maranoa River from the Old Crossing-- towards the bridge -- is a large expanse of water. Major is a strong swimmer and as I watched him plunge into reflected images of river red gums, ripples ran across the surface of the water as he headed towards the stick I'd thrown. I watched as 60 kg of dog moved rhythmically below the surface with just his head and erect ears prominent. I'm amazed he can keep afloat! After his swam Major was frisky and towed me up the hill and onto the Yumba track. This track is lined with stones individually decorated with colourful Aboriginal art. On either side of the track tall frost-bleached grasses grow along with bimble box. Their rounded leaves captured in the last rays of afternoon sunshine. There's a feeling here of oneness with Nature, and peace.

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