Friday, July 8, 2011

With 'Robins Double Life' complete, I sit and meditate

For four years, I've been working on my book 'Robins Double Life' and today it's finished. I don't know if I'm happy or not! It's a strange sensation to finish a book. It gives a feeling of relief, and a degree of satisfaction -- yet also a sense of loss. What next? Although I know the answer to that question (I want to write a book about St Francis of Assisi and his gift with animals), and I'm enthusiastic about the project, I'll need to get my mind into a difference space.

Therefore, to sit on this beautifully designed seat overlooking the Maranoa River, the bridge and river red gums gave me the opportunity to relax and meditate on how I will publish Robins Double Life as an e-book, and then when I will begin work on on my book about Saint Francis.

Many of the artistic touches built around the small township of Mitchell reflect the river. You will see in the photo that the seat meanders in shape, much like the river that winds around its human population, in a protective loop. The Maranoa is an inspiration.

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